Why Is My Neck So Thick? (Fat Neck Vs. Muscular Neck)

Why Is My Neck So Thick?

There could be different reasons behind having a thick neck, such as fatty deposits, muscle build-up, or health issues. If your neck feels soft to touch and you have chin rolls, you could have a fatty neck. It can be resolved by focussing on exercising and keeping a healthy diet. A thick neck could also … Read more

Why Pee Smells Like Popcorn -Diabetes, Dehydration, Or Pregnancy?

Why Does My Pee Smell Like Popcorn?

Your urine can smell like popcorn due to common issues like changes in diet, pregnancy hormones, or dehydration. Taking new medications can also cause a difference in our urine concentration and smell, especially if we aren’t adequately hydrated. Other causes could result from excess protein in urine or diabetes, where excess ketones in our urine … Read more

Can You Get Drunk Off Vanilla Extract?

Can You Get Drunk Off Vanilla Extract?

Vanilla extract is made of mature vanilla bean pods, water, and ethyl alcohol. The FDA states that it needs to have 35% of ethyl alcohol. When used in baking cakes or cookies, ethyl alcohol dries up even quicker than water, leaving no trace of alcohol in the end product. This makes baked goods safe to … Read more

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Nutrition & Diet