From Fear to Freedom: A Millennial’s Guide to Navigating Social Anxiety

A middle aged woman feeling social anxiety effects and feels lonely amongst her office collegues.

Millennials navigate the fast-paced world of social interactions, and they compromise their mental health most of the time. Social media, jobs, personal life, or lifestyle have pushed them on the edge of anxiousness. Medication, meditation, exercise, real-world social interaction, traveling, and many other therapies can help you to overcome this social anxiety. If it persists, get … Read more

How To Manage Anxiety: From Intrusive Thoughts To Physical Symptoms

A young man feeling overwhlemed and anxious while working, unable to manage his anxiety issues.

Anxiety is a severe issue that has cognitive, behavioral, and physical manifestations. It could be due to changes in lifestyle, genetics, health issues, or exhaustive work pressure. There are different ways to manage anxiety including healthy eating, exercising, and adopting a lifestyle you enjoy. You can get therapy from professionals as well. Treat it before … Read more

From Insomnia to Peaceful Sleep: 8 Tips for Managing Anxiety at Night and Getting a Better Sleep

A woman sitting on bed awake due to anxiety attack in the night.

Anxiety can easily take over your mind at night because you have fewer distractions. It can cause nightmares, panic attacks, night sweats, heart palpitations, chest pains, shallow breathing, and headaches. These symptoms make sleeping challenging, resulting in exhaustion, less productivity, and higher stress levels the following day. Performing coping strategies can help you manage your … Read more

Bier Spots & Anxiety: How Are They Related?

A young caucasian woman looking at her skin in the mirror for signs of bier spots.

Bier spots and anxiety may have no direct link with each other. But, bier spots can cause distress for some people who are conscious about their physical appearance causing them anxiety. These tiny, white spots may be harmless and go away on their own, but they can ruin your confidence with your own skin. Developing … Read more

Why Do I Hyperventilate When I Cry?

A young woman is hyperventilating from excessive crying.

A wide range of emotional and physical issues can cause hyperventilation. Some causes, such as diabetic ketoacidosis, are medical emergencies. However, severe or life-threatening causes of hyperventilation are usually accompanied by additional symptoms. Stay calm and use nostril belly or nostril breathing to slow and bring your breathing rate to be normal. When hyperventilation is … Read more

Can A Yeast Infection Cause Air Bubbles? (3+ Possible Causes & Symptoms To Look Out For)

Can A Yeast Infection Cause Air Bubbles?

The leading causes of yeast cell infection include antibiotics, pregnancy, stress, uncontrolled diabetes, and hormonal imbalance. Yeast infection symptoms may include soreness, redness, itching, swelling, irritation during urination, pain during sex, and a whitish discharge. Are you suffering from yeast infection and wondering if it has a connection to the air bubbles in your vagina? … Read more

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