Can I Pee With A Suppository In? (How Suppositories Work & Why You’d Need To Use One)

Can I Pee With A Suppository In?

Suppository medication helps quickly relieve symptoms when oral medicines are not successfully administered. For example, doctors consider suppository drugs if you have severe vomiting. Also, the medication gets administered in a localized area like the vagina, or urethra to aid in relieving constipation or treat internal hemorrhoids. Sometimes suppositories work in bringing down a fever … Read more

Why Is My Neck So Thick? (Fat Neck Vs. Muscular Neck)

Why Is My Neck So Thick?

There could be different reasons behind having a thick neck, such as fatty deposits, muscle build-up, or health issues. If your neck feels soft to touch and you have chin rolls, you could have a fatty neck. It can be resolved by focussing on exercising and keeping a healthy diet. A thick neck could also … Read more

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Nutrition & Diet