Bier Spots & Anxiety: How Are They Related?

A young caucasian woman looking at her skin in the mirror for signs of bier spots.

Bier spots and anxiety may have no direct link with each other. But, bier spots can cause distress for some people who are conscious about their physical appearance causing them anxiety. These tiny, white spots may be harmless and go away on their own, but they can ruin your confidence with your own skin. Developing … Read more

Left Rib Pain After Coffee: What Your Body Might Be Trying to Tell You

A man experiencing pain in rib cage after drinking coffee.

Pain under the left rib cage after drinking coffee can arise from various factors. Some of the common causes of this pain are digestive issues such as acid reflux, ulcers, gallbladder issues, inflammatory bowel disease, costochondritis, and muscle strain. Symptoms include persistent aches, burning sensations, bloating, and indigestion. Diagnosis involves a physical exam, medical history, … Read more

Stabbing Pain After Gallbladder Removal – Causes, Treatment & Prevention

A young woman is in pain after gallbladder removal surgery.

Stabbing pain after gallbladder removal is a common issue caused by various factors such as post-operative inflammation, post-cholecystectomy syndrome, sphincter of Oddi dysfunction, adhesions, nerve damage, or a hernia. It is essential to speak with your doctor to determine the specific cause of your pain and discuss the appropriate treatment options, including medications, physical therapy, … Read more

Granuloma Annulare Coffee – Does Caffeine Worsen The Condition?

Young woman thinking about effects of coffee on granuloma annulare.

Granuloma annulare is a benign skin condition that causes small, red, or skin-colored bumps to form in a ring shape. The exact cause is unknown, but studies suggest a possible link between caffeine intake and the development or worsening of the condition. Prevention includes avoiding known triggers, good skin care, limiting caffeine intake, and maintaining … Read more

Say Goodbye to Clogged Ears: 6 Preventive & Treatment Options

A woman is in pain as her clogged ear is causing her discomfort

Sleeping on one side can cause ear blockage due to a variety of factors such as accumulation of ear wax, eustachian tube dysfunction, and external pressure on the ear. It’s important to note that certain factors such as age, allergies, and structural abnormalities can also increase the likelihood of ear blockage. To prevent and treat … Read more

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