Bump On Stretch Mark – 5 Major Causes, Symptoms & Treatments

Bump On Stretch Mark

A bump or bumps on your stretch marks could be due to several causes. Major causes for these skin bumps include boils, PUPPS, cysts, dermatofibromas, folliculitis, Lipomas, Keratosis Pilaris, and Neurofibromas. Each skin condition has different treatment options available based on its symptoms. Refer to your doctor for the correct diagnosis. When the skin stretches, the … Read more

Postpartum Hives (4 Possible Causes & Treatment Options)

Postpartum Hives

Postpartum hives are a very common skin condition that affects many new mothers. They can range from mild hives that cause itching and redness to severe hives that cause swelling and can be painful. They can be caused by several things, such as allergies, infections, and a sluggish liver. If you have a more severe … Read more

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