Why Is My Belly Soft During Pregnancy? (5+ Reasons Why Your Belly Is Soft & When It Gets Firm)

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Pregnancy is unique and is different for every woman. Soft bellies are normal, and some women might not even have firm bellies until later in their second trimester. Hormonal changes, weight gain/loss, and your body type are among some factors which might affect the feel of your belly.

Pregnancy is usually associated with tight, firm stomachs. If you’re a first-time mother, you’re probably wondering why your stomach remains soft even after weeks of pregnancy.

Here are primary and secondary reasons for a soft belly during pregnancy.

What’s the main reason for a soft belly during pregnancy?

According to experts, your stomach might start to show, but your belly remains soft until at least the 17th week of your pregnancy.

A pregnant mom is showing her soft pregnant belly that's becoming firmer as mom is further into pregnancy

This is because your uterus is still between the umbilicus and your pubic bone.

Your baby also only weighs about 150 grams and is only about the size of your palm. So your belly will be tighter and firmer once you go further along with your pregnancy.

It is important to note that every pregnancy is different, and the size, shape, and firmness of pregnant bellies vary for every woman, even if compared to a previous pregnancy.

It may take first-time mothers longer to appear pregnant due to their tight abdominal muscles.

Additionally, given that their wombs have greater room to expand, women with higher body fat percentages have soft stomachs for longer.

If you are worried or concerned about your soft belly, check with your doctor or midwife to know more about what’s happening to your body.

Other possible causes that may affect the feel of your bump

It is normal to have a soft belly during pregnancy. Several factors can influence your bump’s size, shape, and feel.

Some of them are:

1. Your body type

If you’re carrying your second child or have a large frame, it may be harder to feel the baby move around in your uterus.

2. The shape of your uterus

Your uterus will change shape as it fills up with fluid during pregnancy, but other factors can also impact its shape and feel, including previous pregnancies and weight gain or loss.

3. Number of babies

Carrying twins, triplets, or more may also cause the size and feel of your bump to fluctuate.

4. Amniotic fluid

The amount of amniotic fluid in your body also determines the firmness and softness of your bump.

5. The position of the baby in the womb

Whether your baby is in an upright position or his head is at your side could affect how big or soft your bump looks and feels.

When will my pregnant belly start getting firm?

When you’re pregnant, it can be hard to feel like your body is transforming into something new.

You might not notice the changes happening to your body until they become noticeable.

The first trimester is a time of rapid growth and development, so you might not realize how much weight you’ve gained until you’ve been pregnant for over a few weeks.

But don’t worry!

As long as you continue eating healthy foods and getting plenty of rest, the second trimester will be when your belly starts getting firm.

Your pregnancy will continue to progress during the third trimester, but it’s not always easy to tell exactly when that happens.

Your doctor or midwife should be able to give you an estimate based on your medical history and symptoms.

Why is my pregnant belly hard?

Having a hard belly for the first few months of pregnancy is normal.

Most women don’t experience the same level of discomfort with their bellies as they do with their breasts, so your body will likely have a harder time adjusting to the changes brought on by pregnancy.

There are a few different factors that can contribute to your belly getting hard.

When a woman is pregnant, her body produces hormones that make her uterus (the organ inside the womb) grow.

This causes the walls of the uterus to thicken and become more rigid, which can lead to pain and discomfort in the abdomen.

Your belly gets hard while you’re pregnant because those changes in your body make it more difficult for the muscles in your belly to relax.

Another factor contributing to your belly getting hard during pregnancy is how much weight you gain during this time.

The more weight you gain, the more pressure there will be on your ligaments and tendons—parts of the spine that connect muscles together—and this can cause pain as well as backaches or other aches and pains throughout your body when you’re pregnant.

It is also possible that your body’s hormones are what cause this. For example, your body’s estrogen levels increase throughout pregnancy, which triggers extra collagen production in your skin.

This means that you’ll probably notice a difference in how hard your belly feels during your second and third trimesters—the latter being when most people start noticing how much harder their bellies are than they used to be!

If you’re experiencing extreme discomfort during your pregnancy, talk with your doctor about it—they may recommend an ultrasound checkup or extra prenatal care visits if they feel it’s necessary.


Why is my pregnant belly not round?

There are several reasons why your belly may not be round yet. However, the first thing to realize is that this isn’t an unusual situation at all.

Most women experience this situation when pregnant: their bodies do what they need to maintain their health while also growing a baby inside them!


Soft bellies are a common occurrence during pregnancy. Pregnancy is a unique event in a woman’s life where their body changes significantly.

Every woman is different, and comparing your bellies against others might lead to worries you should not be concerned about.

Although if you’re afraid that something might be wrong with your pregnancy, contact your OB/GYN to be properly examined.

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Nudrat Naheed
Hi, I am Nudrat, The Heart And Brain author, IR student, and painter. Writing about health fascinates me because it helps me to explore a new healthy routine and share it with others. I write primarily about general health, pregnancy, postpartum, and allergies here. If you don't find me writing, I'm busy painting or reading on global politics.

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