Drinking Coffee When Sick – Help Or Hindrance?

A sick man is sitting by the table shivering with a cup of coffee in hands and ready to work.

It’s common to question the wisdom of caffeine consumption during times of illness, and there is a lot of mixed information regarding the decision. Educating yourself on the various factors and deciding based on your situation is crucial since each person may react differently based on their tolerance, diet, and personal health condition. For many … Read more

How Much Potassium Is Too Much With Lisinopril?

How Much Potassium Is Too Much With Lisinopril?

Lisinopril is mainly prescribed by doctors to treat high blood pressure or hypertension. Different fruits, vegetables, protein-based foods, dairy products can contain variating quantities of potassium which you will need to consider before preparing your potassium diet plan. Dieting is crucial since too much potassium can negatively impact your body, starting from mild symptoms like … Read more

Why Do I Get Phlegm After Laughing? (Is It Asthma?)

Why Do I Get Phlegm After Laughing? (Is It Asthma?)

Laughing too hard will cause droplets of your saliva to enter your windpipe. Your body may confuse these droplets as a potential threat or infection causing a cough reflex. Generally, your body produces phlegm that fights any foreign substance that may enter your respiratory system, and coughing is a way to eliminate it. In some … Read more

How Long Does Acid Rebound Last?

How Long Does Acid Rebound Last?

According to research by Best Practice & Research Clinical Gastroenterology, an acid rebound can last anywhere from 3 days to 2 months after withdrawing a patient from a treatment of acid-suppressing medication for at least 2 months. Acid rebound is a phenomenon that occurs after you stop taking acid-suppressing medications like Zantac. Researchers say that about 5% … Read more

Why Does My Mouth Taste Sweet After Working Out?

Why Does My Mouth Taste Sweet After Working Out?

The main reason for that sweet taste in your mouth is probably Diabetes. It increases the level of blood sugar, causing that taste. There are, of course, quite a few more possible reasons that can give you a sweet aftertaste, but the majority of them don’t relate to workouts. It could simply be the aftertaste … Read more

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