Why Can I Taste My Eye Drops?

Why Can I Taste My Eye Drops?

Since your eye drops will mostly find their way to your mouth through the lacrimal ducts, you should try bending your head to the floor after administering eye drops. Also, ensure that no drops fall to your cheek or mouth directly due to poor head positioning when administering the eye drops in your eyes. It … Read more

Subchorionic Hemorrhage – How Can I Heal It Faster?

Subchorionic Hemorrhage - How Can I Heal It Faster?

There isn’t any evidence supporting that eating certain foods, doing specific exercises, taking any homeopathic medicines, or doing any rituals will make your subchorionic hemorrhage disappear. Most subchorionic hemorrhage tends to resolve on their own, but worst-case scenarios do include the case of miscarriage. But, in most cases, your doctor will ask you to continue … Read more

Feels Like Glass In My Knee When I Kneel (4 Possible Causes)

Feels Like Glass In My Knee When I Kneel

If you have a feeling where you think there’s glass in your knee (while kneeling), it could serve as an indication of a knee problem. Some of these knee problems include kneecap dislocation, Bursitis, Osgood-Schlatter, or Iliotibial band syndrome. Each of these symptoms have their causes and solutions, it’s best to visit your doctor if … Read more

How Long Does It Take To Get Aspirin Out Of Your System?

How Long Does It Take To Get Aspirin Out Of Your System?

There are various ways, each taking a different response time, to get aspirin out of your system. The list includes dialysis, gastric lavage, alkaline diuresis, activated charcoal, physical exercise, medical therapies, and avoidance of salicylate-rich products, among many others. Aspirin usage also causes a deviation from normal platelet aggregation, which normalizes a few days after … Read more

Buzzing Or Vibrating Feeling In Chest: Causes & When To See A Doctor

Buzzing Or Vibrating Feeling In Chest

A buzzing or vibrating sensation in your chest could be a sign of possible health concerns like anxiety, gallbladder issues, lung problems, or heart diseases. Palpitations may not always signify a serious condition but require a medical evaluation to determine the cause. Underlying health issues such as anxiety, heart, lung, or gallbladder conditions can manifest … Read more

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