Why Do You Get Cold After You Eat? (4 Possible Health Issues)

Why Do You Get Cold After You Eat? Vitamin Deficiency Or A Health Condition?

Though many factors contribute to drops in body temperature, the main reason for this phenomenon lies in dietary choices and—in the most extreme cases—medical conditions that influence metabolism and circulation. Even in these more serious situations, getting treatment early can help to decrease the frequency of these shivers and prevent you from developing any other … Read more

What Causes Sneezing And Runny Nose After Anesthesia?

What Causes Sneezing And Runny Nose After Anesthesia?

Anesthesia causes allergic reactions to most people, which leads to sneezing and a runny nose. It can be local anesthesia, general, conscious, or epidural anesthesia. Anesthetic agents, medications, blood products, cleaning agents are used during medical procedures, which trigger allergic reactions as runny noses or sneezing in patients. Have you ever heard that once people … Read more

Why Are My Teeth Making Clicking Sound When Pushed?

Why Are My Teeth Making Clicking Sound When Pushed?

If your teeth are making a clicking sound, it could be due to gum disease. Infection in your gums loosens its grip on teeth, and the loosening of the gum’s grip on the teeth results in movement whenever you push your teeth.TMJ disorders, bite problems, or dental structures can also cause the clicking sound in … Read more

Vitamin C With Rose Hips For BV (Bacterial Vaginosis)

Vitamin C With Rose Hips For BV (Bacterial Vaginosis)

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that protects the body from harmful free radicals that damage the cells. Rose hips are the fruits of the Rosa plant. They have the highest vitamin C among vegetables, fruits, and horticultural crops. Vitamin C with rose hips is an antioxidant supplement that improves the immune system by reducing … Read more

Why Do I Feel Pain Under Right Rib Cage When Bending Over?

Why Do I Feel Pain Under Right Rib Cage When Bending Over?

Pain under your right rib cage may be caused by diseases affecting the delicate organs located under the ribs. Some of the health conditions might be serious and life-threatening, while others require simple treatment procedures. It can be due to mere gas reflux, or you might have some severe health issues. Gallbladder, liver, musculoskeletal issues, … Read more

Why Am I Never Hungry? (And Feel Sick When I Eat)

Why Am I Never Hungry? (And Feel Sick When I Eat)

You are not hungry because you might be facing some health issues or physical issues. For example, stress, anxiety, pregnancy, and depression can be the health issues that lead to loss of appetite. On the other hand, weather changes, aging, or change in lifestyle can be the reason for your appetite loss as well. Although … Read more

Why Does My Water Taste Sweet?

Why Does My Water Taste Sweet?

Usually, water has a natural taste due to the minerals in it. When we get an excess of these minerals in our water, it results in that sweet taste. Possibly health issues (like diabetes or carbohydrate deficiency) can also be the cause behind your water sweetness. For the past few weeks, my water seemed to … Read more

Why Does My Nose Run When I Eat?

Why Does My Nose Run When I Eat?

The Rhinitis that results from eating especially spicy food, hot foods, or sometimes smoking is called gustatory Rhinitis. The running nose in this condition starts after we have eaten something that triggers it. Once we have started eating, the symptoms set in, and our nose starts running in the middle of finishing the trigger food. … Read more

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Nutrition & Diet