Baby Oil And Iodine Is It Safe?

Baby Oil And Iodine Is It Safe?

The short answer is no because iodine and baby oil as a tanning mixture are very harmful to the skin. The blend of baby oil and iodine was used to achieve a summer tan for years. Yes, it can give you a nice-looking tan but, it attracts UV rays a lot more and, they penetrate … Read more

Skin Peeling After Foot Surgery (Desquamation)

Skin Peeling After Foot Surgery (Desquamation)

If you have undergone foot surgery, you may experience skin peeling. This peeling is normal and occurs due to a process called desquamation. Desquamation is a common occurrence where the outermost layer of the skin (epidermis) undergoes shedding and peels. After you have undergone foot surgery, it is vital to care for your incision properly till it … Read more

Chapped Lips – Does The Skin On Your Lips Grow Back?

Does The Skin On Your Lips Grow Back?

The lips’ skin tends to grow entirely in 2 – 3 weeks and will be back to being plumper lips if proper care is being taken. Chapped lips happen due to many reasons like frequent lip licking, lack of use of lip balms, sun damage, yeast infection, extremely dry weather, salty or spicy food, decrease … Read more

My Skin Rubs Off After Shower – Is it Normal?

My Skin Rubs Off After Shower - Is it Normal?

Taking a bath not only cleanses your body and gives you that fresh feeling but also keeps your skin healthy. When you get out of the shower and notice your skin rubbing off, this could be a sign that it is renewing your dead skin cells. It’s normal since your skin needs new healthy cells … Read more

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