Why Does My Hair Feel Waxy? (7 Reasons & How To Get Rid Of It)

Why Does My Hair Feel Waxy?

Your hair can feel waxy for various reasons, such as suffering from seborrheic dermatitis, not knowing your hair texture, using wrong hair products, unclean scalp, poor blood circulation, unclean accessories, or environmental factors. You can fix half of your issues causing waxy hair with a clean and healthy lifestyle, which will surely make a difference … Read more

Reishi Mushroom For Hair Growth – Is It A Viable Option?

Reishi Mushroom For Hair Growth - Is It A Viable Option?

The use of various herbs and fungi has been a constant in eastern and Asian cultures. From the use of medicinal marijuana to the use of mitragyna speciosa, the origin of all these herbs, which are known for their medicinal properties, is the continent of Asia. One such herb is the Reishi Mushroom which has … Read more

Is It Healthy To Not Wash Your Hair?

Is It Healthy To Not Wash Your Hair?

The simple answer is no. It’s not healthy not to wash your hair. However, it has further nuances. There’s no medical reasoning as to how frequently you should wash your hair. The frequency of your hair wash is directly linked to your liking and your hair texture. For some people, it’s essential to use shampoo … Read more

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