Olbas Oil Vs. Vicks (Best Choice For Nasal Congestion)

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Nasal congestion and muscle soreness are frustrating conditions that anyone will avoid. Olbas Oil and Vicks are two different solutions that could be helpful in such conditions. One of the differences between these two potent solutions is how they are applied. For Olbas Oil, you need to put a few drops on a cloth before inhaling the vapors, while Vicks could be applied directly on your body. So, it’s crucial that you know how each is used with their respective warnings and precautions.

At a point in life, you may experience some challenges such as nasal congestion, cough, and so on. Your next step is to figure out how to get better.

Olbas Oil and Vicks are both great products to use when you’re feeling nasal congestion, but which one is better? Let’s cover some basic details you need to know about both products and which is best for your situation.

What is Olbas Oil?

Olbas Oil is a popular product made by mixing essential pure plant oils. When inhaled, it works effectively for nasal & bronchial congestion, hayfever, and muscular pain when applied to the skin.

You know how frustrating it can be to be battling with a blocked-up nose.

Fortunately, the production of Olbas Oil is a unique solution shown to be highly potent- with a few drops of the powerful natural decongestant vapors on a clean handkerchief. You can easily unblock your nose, no matter how stuffy it could be.

Moreover, the product can also aid in restful sleep. All you need to do is tuck the handkerchief into your pillowcase before going to bed to have a fantastic nighttime congestion relief.

Another way to know how effective this oil can be is to get a bowl of hot water, put a few drops, lean over it, and use a towel to cover your head. This can help overcome the worst nasal congestion.

It’s good to know that the benefits that Olbas Oil can offer are far more than unblocking the nose. It can also help with soothing relief when feeling achy– all you need to do is massage in a few drops of the solution.

How to use Olbas Oil

Before using Olbas Oil, it is essential to properly administer it to avoid every potential risk.

Below are directions you need to pay attention to:

  • Olbas Oil is only meant to be inhaled and used externally on unbroken skin.
  • For children between the ages of 3 months and two years, put a drop on a tissue or clean handkerchief and hold it close to their nose, making them breathe in the vapors.
  • For adults and children of at least two years of age, put two or three drops on a clean handkerchief or tissue and breathe in the vapors. You may either add it to hot water or use it at night (tucking it into your pillowcase). But you must ensure that the solution does not touch your child’s skin 

Important notes to consider (warning and precautions)

Before using Olbas Oil, you should know the warning and precautions that come with it to stay on the safe side by preventing mild to severe side effects. Let’s take a look at some of them:

  • You should avoid this solution when pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • Before using any medicine, ensure you notify your pharmacist or doctor.
  • Inform your doctor if there’s a deterioration or no improvement after seven days.
  • Avoid Olbas Oil if you’re allergic to any of its ingredients.
  • Not to be used by babies under three months old.
  • Seek urgent medical attention if accidentally swallowed.

Vicks VapoRub

Vicks VapoRub is a powerful solution that works to relieve cough that develops due to minor bronchial or throat irritation because of a common cold. You can also use it as a temporary treatment agent for minor aches and pains (joints and muscles).

Unlike Olbas Oil, a powerful natural decongestant, Vicks VapoRub is not a decongestant.

It’s only a solution with strong camphor and menthol vapors that create a sensation that cools nasal passages, triggering the brain’s receptors to provide relief in breathing.

How to use Vicks VapoRub

Before using Vicks VapoRub, it is crucial to know how it should be properly administered to avoid every potential risk. Below are directions you need to pay attention to:

  • You should use Vicks VapoRub on your neck and chest only If it’s intended for cough suppression. If you like, you can then cover with a warm and dry cloth. Ensure the fabric is loose about your chest and cloth to make the vapors get to your mouth and nose. Put the solution on the affected area, not more than three to four times daily for aches (muscle and joint) and pains.
  • Don’t microwave or heat Vicks before use, and don’t put it in hot water. This may result in splattering, leading to burns.

Important notes to consider (warning and precautions)

Before using Vicks VapoRub, you should know the warning and precautions that come with it to stay on the safe side by preventing mild to severe side effects. Let’s take a look at some of them:

  • Don’t use Vicks VapoRub if your cough is chronic (emphysema or asthma) or has a lot of many phlegms.
  • Avoid using the solution near your nostrils or mouth.
  • Avoid using it on open wounds or under tight bandages.
  • The solution is recommended only for children above two years old. Use Vicks BabyRub on babies that are three months old or over.
  • Inform your doctor if the solution is accidentally swallowed or if there is no improvement in your condition for a week.


How does Vicks VapoRub work?

The medicated vapors in Vicks VapoRub enter your mouth and nose and start working to soothe coughs for comfortable breathing.

Does Vicks VapoRub expire?

Yes, Vicks VapoRub does expire, so it’s best to throw it away after the labeled expiration date. It’s your discretion to use it a few weeks or months after expiration, but don’t use Vicks VapoRub over a year old.

How often should you use an Olbas inhaler?

It would be best not to use an Olbas inhaler more than four times an hour. Talk to your doctor if you have a case of overdose by inhalation, which may lead to euphoria,  confusion, ataxia, diplopia, and nystagmus.


By now, you should know that Olbas oil and Vicks products are not the same. They come with their peculiar features, which users must perfectly understand.

Ensure you consult your healthcare provider before using any of these solutions to avoid severe health concerns.

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Nudrat Naheed
Hi, I am Nudrat, The Heart And Brain author, IR student, and painter. Writing about health fascinates me because it helps me to explore a new healthy routine and share it with others. I write primarily about general health, pregnancy, postpartum, and allergies here. If you don't find me writing, I'm busy painting or reading on global politics.

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