When Is It Too Late to Get RhoGAM Shot?

When Is It Too Late to Get RhoGAM Shot?

It’s too late to get a RhoGAM shot when you’ve already been sensitized, which means that your baby’s blood has already mixed with yours, causing your body to create antibodies to attack your baby’s red blood cells. It won’t be a problem on your first pregnancy because blood mixing commonly occurs during childbirth, and it … Read more

Why Do I Get Phlegm After Laughing? (Is It Asthma?)

Why Do I Get Phlegm After Laughing? (Is It Asthma?)

Laughing too hard will cause droplets of your saliva to enter your windpipe. Your body may confuse these droplets as a potential threat or infection causing a cough reflex. Generally, your body produces phlegm that fights any foreign substance that may enter your respiratory system, and coughing is a way to eliminate it. In some … Read more

I Fell With My Cast On – Should I Worry?

I Fell With My Cast On - Should I Worry?

While stepping or tripping during your non-weight-bearing injury sounds horrible, for most people, who experienced the same thing, they say it is no concern at all. Eventually, the cast keeps the injured part of your body from unnecessary movements during the recovery period. However, high fever, intense swelling or soreness, and discoloration of skin surrounding … Read more

Why Is My Breath Really Hot? Is It Serious?

Why Is My Breath Really Hot?

A common culprit of having a hot breath is fever. An increasing body temperature signals that your body is initiating an immune response to fight an infection from viruses, bacteria, fungi, etc. The hot breath may also indicate other underlying health conditions such as respiratory diseases, anxiety and stress, dehydration, and hormonal changes. But it … Read more

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