Will My Stomach Be Flat After Fibroid Removal? (Types Of Fibroids & What Happens During Surgery)

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If you’ve had fibroid removal surgery, you will likely lose some weight, especially around the stomach. However, it does depend on the size and quantity of fibroids removed during the surgery. It’s also important to note that a healthy diet and exercise play a significant part in getting a flat stomach, especially since the surgery results can take a few months to take effect.

If you’ve had fibroids removed recently or are planning to get them removed, you may be excited that you could be losing some weight, especially in the stomach area.

There are no benefits to keeping them, and they just seem to contribute to increased weight and mass.

What are fibroids? Are they a part of your womb? Will the type of surgery affect how much weight I lose? How much time will it take for me to get a flat stomach?

What are fibroids?

To put it quite simply, fibroids are non-cancerous growths that tend to develop in or around the uterus.

While they can vary in size, they are mostly made of muscle and fibrous tissue. Due to its composition and nature, most women would not be aware that they had fibroids, despite having them. 

However, 1 in 3 women can experience symptoms from fibroids, such as:

  1. Painful and heavy periods
  2. Stomach and lower back pain
  3. Frequent constipation and desire to urinate
  4. Pain and discomfort during sex

While the exact reason for fibroids’ growth is unclear, it is thought to be due to the hormone Oestrogen.

As you may know, this hormone produced by the ovaries is considered to be the female reproductive hormone.

Fibroids tend to develop mostly when Oestrogen levels are at their peak and shrink after menopause.

While it can develop in any woman, it is more likely to develop in overweight women. It is also seen to be less likely to occur in women who have given birth.

Types of fibroids

A diagram showing uterine fibroids

Fibroids can grow from very small to large, so they are classified by where they grow.

  1. Intramural fibroids – The most common type of fibroid. They develop in the muscle wall of the womb.
  2. Submucosal fibroids – Fibroids that develop in the muscle layer beneath the womb’s inner lining and grow into the cavity of the womb.
  3. Subserosal fibroids – Fibroids that develop outside the wall of the womb into the pelvis and can become very large.

While fibroids do not usually require treatment, symptoms may require medication, failing which surgery would be conducted.

What happens during fibroid surgery?

A few types of surgery can be conducted to remove fibroids.


This surgical procedure removes fibroids and prevents them from ever returning by removing the womb.

As you can understand, this method is only recommended if the fibroids are quite large or if you do not wish to have any children after the surgery.

The recovery from the surgery can take a couple of months, and physical activity is not recommended. This could also lead to a lower sex drive and earlier menopause on certain occasions.

Depending on the size of the fibroids, you may lose some weight and mass in the stomach.

As the womb is removed, your abdominal muscles might stop functioning, making your belly look floppier and bigger. While this is not always the case, it is a possibility.


This option is preferable as the womb is left intact while surgically removing the fibroids. However, to be suitable for a myomectomy, your fibroid’s size, amount, and positions come into play.

Depending on these factors, many small incisions or one large incision may be made on the stomach.

There is a possibility that the fibroids may grow back despite being surgically removed.

There are also a few rare risks involved with the surgery, such as:

  1. Infection after surgery
  2. Bleeding
  3. Scar tissue in the uterus
  4. Weak feeling in the uterus

Hysteroscopic resection of fibroids

In this procedure, a small thin telescope is inserted through the vagina into the womb to remove fibroids.

No incisions are required as the telescope can remove fibroid tissue, although it may require multiple insertions.

Stomach cramps and vaginal bleeding may occur but should stop within a few weeks.

Will I get my flat stomach back after the surgery?

Getting a flat stomach seems to be one of the benefits of fibroid removal.

But reducing belly size depends on various factors such as the size and location of the fibroid, the type of surgery performed, and how fast your body heals.

It could be that you lose a lot of weight and appear slimmer, but you could also not be able to see any change!

A young woman is frowning, looking at herself in the mirror after her fibroid removal surgery, unable to lose belly fat.

Size and location of fibroids

If you have significantly large fibroids or many small ones, the removal of these fibroids could lead to a significant change in your body. 

You should notice having more energy and being more comfortable. Exercise and activity should be easier.

In most circumstances, you will notice a positive weight loss in your belly, which should be promoted with a healthy diet and exercise. 

It is also important to note that the change will not be instant but taking up to 5 to 6 months to reflect on your stomach.

However, that’s the case when you have large fibroids. Larger fibroids could result in a flatter belly.

These are situated near the surface of the uterus and are likely to cause a change in your belly.

The smaller fibroids are located deeper within the uterine wall and may have less impact on your belly shape. So, you might not see a visible reduction.

Type of surgery

Another factor that influences your belly size after fibroid removal is the type of surgery you opt for, and that includes getting a myomectomy or hysteroscopic resection.

Each procedure will affect your belly’s appearance differently after the surgery, involving different recovery times and impacts on the abdominal muscles.

A myomectomy may make abdominal muscles less elastic, leading to a floppier appearance.

On the other hand, a hysteroscopic resection may lead to a potential change in stomach appearance depending on the size of the fibroid removed and its location.

Healing time

The healing process and time differ for each person as it depends on their body, age, overall health, genetics, and how much effort they put into recovery.

Those who put a lot of effort into maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including nutritional food with physical exercise while following post-operative care, might experience a faster or better change.

Why is fibroid removal post-surgery care important?

Getting fibroid removed and following post-operative care is important to achieve the desired result and remain healthy while avoiding any complications.

It’s vital to follow the guidelines to help your body heal in the right way, minimize complications, and even achieve a flatter stomach over time.

Again remember that it might take you a different amount of time to achieve a flatter stomach. Recovery could take up to 4 weeks, and you might witness some swelling.

A woman is focussing on self-care and recovery after fibroid removal surgery by eating nutritional food.

Here are some steps you should be following:

  • Give your body the time and space it needs to heal.
  • Follow your doctor’s instructions.
  • Get adequate rest
  • Attend follow-ups appointments,
  • Include light physical activity
  • Monitor your body and how it’s healing

While following all these steps, you must also focus on setting realistic expectations.

Your body is vulnerable after the surgery and needs lots of love and care. Despite the fibroid being big or small, your body witnessed a significant change.

Don’t expect to lose instant belly fat. Rather focus on your recovery, which will take time.

Weight loss is a possibility but not guaranteed. You should focus on your well-being as results may vary according to the individual.


  • https://www.emedicinehealth.com/how_long_for_uterus_to_shrink_after_myomectomy/article_em.htm
  • https://obgyn.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1447-0756.2005.00274.x?casa_token=qqY6gRXkLk8AAAAA:BvGywZa-1hr-0bwXG4fSnPVCJlOMj783dU7w7QbJ4y9sE5x_ZchrHjRBQEgcpGEdfFPFnbpwWR4
  • https://myhealth.alberta.ca/Health/aftercareinformation/pages/conditions.aspx?hwid=abq4781
  • https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/myomectomy/about/pac-20384710#:~:text=After%20myomectomy%20surgery%2C%20most%20women,about%20a%20year%20of%20surgery.

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Kavisha Rodrigo
I'm a sports person that enjoys researching into pushing the limitations of the human body. When it comes to health, I'm a big fan of working out and staying healthy. For hobbies, I'm a big fan of Pokemon and Coldplay.

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