Finding a white kidney-shaped object in your stool is a cause of different issues like eating high-fiber food, malabsorption, gluten-rich food, medications, tapeworm or pinworm, or fungal infection. Diagnosis can be made by examining your stool and doing various other tests to find the root cause. Treatment depends on the kind of problem that causes white specks to appear in your stool.
They say one’s stool tells a lot about a person’s diet and current health, which is very much true.
Your stool can be a way to determine your digestive tract and cure a lot of problems if you notice any abnormalities in it. We’re going to talk about one such issue today that is seeing a white kidney-shaped object in your stool.
Maintaining a healthy diet is of utmost importance so that your stool is healthy too. But if you’re noticing a white kidney-shaped object in your stool, that indicates you’re going through an issue in your digestive tract, which could be due to multiple factors!
But worry not; let’s look into causes leading to this white kidney-shaped object in your stool, then discuss ways you can cure this issue!
Causes of white kidney-shaped object in stool
There are multiple reasons why you could be seeing white specks in your stool:
Food you eat
Before we dive into other health problems for white specks in your stool, let’s focus on the number one common problem which causes white specks to appear in your stool.
The food you eat might not be able to get digested properly. It could be because you’re not chewing your food properly or the kind of food you’re eating is hard to digest properly. Either way, you will notice white specks in your stool resulting from undigested food.
Several food items are hard to digest, such as corns, sesame seeds, quinoa, nuts, high-fiber vegetables, etc.
If you aren’t experiencing any additional symptoms, this could be the only reason why you see white specks in your stool.
Malabsorption occurs when your body, due to some reason, is unable to digest your food properly and absorb nutrients from the food. It not only affects your stool but also affects in growth and development of your body.
The causes could be anything from particular infection, diseases, or digestive problems. Your stomach may not be able to produce the enzymes it needs to digest certain foods.
Your stool might have undigested particles of food appearing like white kidney-shaped objects. But your stool might also be light-colored, foul-smelling, soft, or bulky.
Other symptoms may include loose stool, abdominal pain, weight loss, or fatigue.
Celiac disease
Celiac disease is an immune reaction to eating gluten. It’s a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye and severely inflames your small intestinal tract lining leading to more complications. The absorption of nutrients is affected due to this disease.
It’s another reason why you can notice white kidney-shaped objects in the stool. Additionally, the stool is also pale and foul-smelling.
Other symptoms accompanying are loose stool, bloating, wind, fatigue, low blood count, abdominal pain, and osteoporosis.
Some people don’t even have any symptoms, but there’s a greater chance your stool would still be affected. A gluten-free diet will greatly help in managing symptoms and help your intestinal tract heal.
If you’re currently on certain medications, pay attention to the kind of tablets or capsules you’re on. Sometimes pills have a hard outer casting which is not always digested by your stomach. These casings might appear in your stool as white specks, visible to you.
Medications that cause white specks to appear in your stool are:
- Extended-release metformin (used to treat diabetes)
- Oxycontin (pain medication)
- Venlafaxine (antidepressant)
It’s completely normal for a medicine casing to appear in your stool, and there’s no to be worried if the medicine has worked or not. But if you still have doubts, then visit your doctor, who can switch your medications. Let your doctor know about other symptoms if you notice any.
Certain types of parasites also possess the ability to cause white specks in the stool. For example, tapeworms can appear as large, white, flat patches on the stool. They vary in size but can be about the size of a postage stamp.
Other than getting white specks, additional symptoms include nausea, weakness, diarrhea, abdominal pain, weight loss, and fatigue. Those affected by tapeworm are usually those who eat raw meat or meat that is undercooked.
Pinworms are also another reason for white specks in stool. They are white and lay eggs near the anus.
They’re pretty small but are visible on the stool if paid attention. You will notice itching and discomfort in your anus.
Proper hand hygiene is essential as it usually starts from getting infected via the mouth. Following a strict medication schedule will get you feeling better soon.
Fungal infections
Then there are certain kinds of fungal infections too that can hamper how your stools look.
Candida is a type of yeast that can appear in your stools and might indicate an overgrowth. People with high gastrointestinal issues have higher levels of candida in their stools.
People with candida might also experience headaches, weakness or fatigue, flatulence, craving for sweets, itching skin. But this can be cured by going on antifungal medications or creams that might have some side effects.
Diagnosing health issues causing white shaped objects in stool
Now you’re familiar with different causes and health issues that could be causing white kidney-shaped objects to appear in your stool. You know other symptoms need to be there to find the root cause.
So, when visiting your doctor, you should explain in detail other symptoms you noticed besides white specks in stool.
These could be diarrhea, abdominal pain, itching in the anus, or fatigue, to name a few. Based on your symptoms, your doctor will conduct a series of tests to determine the root cause.
First and foremost, you will be asked to bring your stool sample to be examined for other issues with it, like fungus or parasites or any other abnormal finding.
Other tests include a complete blood count panel, blood, upper endoscopy, ultrasound, or even a CT scan.
Based on the root issue identified, the treatment for each case will be different.
- If you notice certain foods are causing issues in your stool, like corn, you should avoid eating such items as much as possible. Avoid eating food items that can act as an active ingredient and cause other harmful symptoms to appear.
- If there is malabsorption of food, focus on chewing your food properly and eating lighter meals for a few days. There might be certain foods that aren’t complying with your digestive system.
- If you have celiac disease, avoid consuming food with gluten in it.
- If other organs are causing problems in your digestion, then look after them before expecting healthy stool.
- If certain medications are causing white specks to appear, sometimes the casings appear in stool, then ask your doctor to switch your medications.
- Any kind of parasite can be treated with medications.
- Wash your beddings, towels, and clothes from the past few days. Use hot water to wash them and dry them under the sun if possible.
- Clean your house correctly, especially your bathroom and the toilet seat and sink.
- Thoroughly clean your hands throughout the day.
- Avoid drinking alcohol.
- Eat a low sugar diet.
Further complications
When you see a white kidney-shaped object in your stool, it might be as harmless as food not being digested properly once in a while.
It could also be a reason behind something serious that should be checked within time; if not, it can lead to further complications.
- If you suspect parasites, then symptoms include abdominal pain, fatigue, and nutrient deficiencies.
- There could be a buildup of bile which could be due to underlying liver disease. If things get worse, it can lead to cirrhosis, which can have serious complications.
- Celiac disease and malabsorption can make your body deficient in nutrients, diarrhea, and abdominal pain.
- If you suspect a fungal infection, get it treated immediately. Otherwise, it can spread and affect the blood, brain, heart, eyes, and other crucial organ systems in the body.
White specks in baby’s stool
If you have a baby or know someone else’s baby who is also suffering from white specks in their stool, then there’s a legitimate reason behind it.
A growing baby will have different colored stools, which changes if there’s a change in the mother’s diet, which affects her breastmilk.
Breastfeeding babies
But sometimes, only white kidney-shaped objects are visible in their stool. If your baby is still breastfeeding, it could just be milk fat that didn’t break down in your baby’s digestive system.
The amount of fat in mother’s milk can vary significantly over time. As a result, the milk produced at the beginning of a feeding session is low in fat but is rich in protein and nutrients.
The milk produced towards the end of a feeding session has much more fat.
This variation is why sometimes your baby gets milk with more fat content than they can digest, coming out as white specks in their stool.
Solid food eating babies
If your baby has just started eating solid food, it could be pieces of food they didn’t chew properly, and their stomach couldn’t digest it.
If you’re feeding them foods that are hard to digest, like corn or high-fiber vegetables, then avoid such food items. It’s a similar issue that occurs in adults too.
Why does it look like I have beans in my poop?
Beans and high-fiber food are the reason why you must be seeing beans in your poop. Your food is either partially digested or not digested at all. Your stomach might not be able to break down the heavy food you’re eating.
Why is there white stuff in my stool?
If you’re witnessing pale, white, clay-colored stool, that means your duct (digestive fluid) is blocked from where bile comes from your liver and gallbladder.
The pale stool could also be a side effect of certain medications like anti-diarrhea medicine.
What happens when mucus is present in stool?
Mucus present in the stool is a sign of bacterial infections, anal fissures, bowel obstruction, or Crohn’s disease. Yellow or clear mucus is present in such small amounts that your eyes won’t be easily able to detect it.
What does malabsorption poop look like?
When there is no proper absorption of food in your stomach, the stool contains excess fat. As a result, it’s light-colored, soft, bulky, greasy, and unusually foul-smelling. In addition, the stool might be sticky and not flush easily.
How do I make my poop healthier?
1. Drink plenty of water.
2. Eat fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, fiber-rich food.
3. Cut out spicy or irritating food specific to you.
4. Have a good exercise regime.
5. Keep track of your bowel movements.
To summarize
You don’t need to worry too much about finding white kidney-shaped objects in your stool.
Most often, it’s because your food might not have been digested appropriately. Another common reason could be you ate some kind of high-fiber food which your stomach couldn’t digest properly.
It’s a sign to worry if white specks in your stool are just one amongst the other symptoms such as diarrhea, abdominal pain, and so on. Then it would be best if you visited your doctor to find the root cause and get it treated.
At the end of the day, you don’t need to panic too much about your health.