Clicking In Throat When Lying Down (Is It Sleep Apnea?)

Clicking In Throat When Lying Down

There are several causes of clicking sounds in your throat when you’re lying down. These causes are conditions that may or may not be treatable, including sleep apnea, Globus pharyngeus, Laryngospasm, Catethrenia, snoring, and teeth grinding. Most people may have observed clicking sounds in their throat when they sleep or lie down. The sounds may … Read more

Sinus Crackling When Lying Down

Sinus Crackling When Lying Down

The leading cause for crackling noises when lying down is the congested mucus that travels up your esophagus and collects behind your throat. This can lead to discomfort and aggravate your sinus infection symptoms like cough, nasal congestion, and throat irritation. It’s doubtful that a phlegm-induced throat crackle could be a symptom of Covid-19 since … Read more

Fizzing Sound In Throat When Lying Down

Fizzing Sound In Throat When Lying Down

If you hear a fizzy noise that doesn’t occur often, it’s quite harmless and doesn’t necessarily mean something’s wrong with you. But if it’s persistent, you might be looking at an underlying medical condition. GERD is usually the most common culprit as it involves acid bubbles leaking up your esophagus into your throat. GERD can … Read more

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