Skin Peeling After Foot Surgery (Desquamation)

Skin Peeling After Foot Surgery (Desquamation)

If you have undergone foot surgery, you may experience skin peeling. This peeling is normal and occurs due to a process called desquamation. Desquamation is a common occurrence where the outermost layer of the skin (epidermis) undergoes shedding and peels. After you have undergone foot surgery, it is vital to care for your incision properly till it … Read more

Arm Numb After Allergy Shot – Home Remedies & Treatment

Arm Numb After Allergy Shot - Home Remedies & Treatment

Arm numbness can be a less common symptom of an allergy shot and others like light swelling, inflammation, and pain. However, in some instances, you can be exposed to riskier and rarer side effects like hives and anaphylactic shock. In these situations, you’ll need immediate treatment through an epinephrine injection. Arm numbness, if not connected … Read more

Why Do My Ankles Swell When I Travel? (Heat Edema & Precautions)

Why Do My Ankles Swell When I Travel?

Many factors can cause swollen ankles, including long periods of inactivity, dehydration, low cabin pressure, sudden weather changes, and food low in magnesium or high in salt. Staying active during long hours of travel is of utmost importance. Keeping your body in movement in between is highly recommended. There are several precautions you can take … Read more

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