Stages of Social Anxiety: Understanding Your Journey to Overcoming Fear

A young man is looking around instead of socializing with his co-workers

Social anxiety, more than just shyness, is a chronic fear of judgment in social situations, leading to symptoms like sweating, blushing, and nausea. It typically starts in youth and is influenced by genetics, environment, and personal experiences. Effective management includes Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, medications, and lifestyle changes, focusing on altering negative thoughts and behaviors. Understanding … Read more

From Fear to Freedom: A Millennial’s Guide to Navigating Social Anxiety

A middle aged woman feeling social anxiety effects and feels lonely amongst her office collegues.

Millennials navigate the fast-paced world of social interactions, and they compromise their mental health most of the time. Social media, jobs, personal life, or lifestyle have pushed them on the edge of anxiousness. Medication, meditation, exercise, real-world social interaction, traveling, and many other therapies can help you to overcome this social anxiety. If it persists, get … Read more

Taking Zoloft – How Do I Switch Zoloft (Sertraline) From Night to Morning?

How Do I Switch Zoloft (Sertraline) From Night to Morning?

Taking Zoloft any time of the day has the same effect. Sertraline is mainly prescribed for treating disorders like Major Depressive Disorders, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders (OCD), Post-Traumatic Disorders (PTSD), Social Anxiety Disorders, and Panic Disorder Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD). If you wish to switch taking your regular dose from night to morning, it’s essential to talk … Read more

I Don’t Like Being Around People – Reasons & What To Do About It

I Don't Like Being Around People

If you don’t like being around people, there could be various reasons behind it, including introversion, hating small talk, low self-esteem, depression, social anxiety, and being surrounded by toxic people. There are always ways to work on your issues, either by identifying them and working on yourself or seeking professional help. If someone says, “I … Read more

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