My Ribs Hurt After Throwing Up

My Ribs Hurt After Throwing Up

Simply put, yes, your ribs can hurt because you threw up. In addition, excessive vomiting, workouts, and even extreme phlegm conditions, which lead to sneezing and coughing, can cause your ribs to dislocate, although it is somewhat rare. The most common cause for rib pain is inflammation in your ribs due to the heavy heaving … Read more

What Causes Sneezing And Runny Nose After Anesthesia?

What Causes Sneezing And Runny Nose After Anesthesia?

Anesthesia causes allergic reactions to most people, which leads to sneezing and a runny nose. It can be local anesthesia, general, conscious, or epidural anesthesia. Anesthetic agents, medications, blood products, cleaning agents are used during medical procedures, which trigger allergic reactions as runny noses or sneezing in patients. Have you ever heard that once people … Read more

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