How To Manage Anxiety: From Intrusive Thoughts To Physical Symptoms

A young man feeling overwhlemed and anxious while working, unable to manage his anxiety issues.

Anxiety is a severe issue that has cognitive, behavioral, and physical manifestations. It could be due to changes in lifestyle, genetics, health issues, or exhaustive work pressure. There are different ways to manage anxiety including healthy eating, exercising, and adopting a lifestyle you enjoy. You can get therapy from professionals as well. Treat it before … Read more

Why Do I Hyperventilate When I Cry?

A young woman is hyperventilating from excessive crying.

A wide range of emotional and physical issues can cause hyperventilation. Some causes, such as diabetic ketoacidosis, are medical emergencies. However, severe or life-threatening causes of hyperventilation are usually accompanied by additional symptoms. Stay calm and use nostril belly or nostril breathing to slow and bring your breathing rate to be normal. When hyperventilation is … Read more

Accidentally Took 3 Puffs Of Albuterol (10 Common Mistakes When Using An Albuterol Inhaler)

Accidentally Took 3 Puffs Of Albuterol

Albuterol, better known as salbutamol, is a quick-relief medication used to prevent and/or treat shortness of breath caused by breathing problems such as asthma or other pulmonary diseases. The dosage is based on your medical condition and response to treatment. According to an NCBI study: “2 puffs of albuterol were not inferior to 4 puffs in the determination of bronchodilator … Read more

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