Why Does My Mouth Taste Sweet After Working Out?

Why Does My Mouth Taste Sweet After Working Out?

The main reason for that sweet taste in your mouth is probably Diabetes. It increases the level of blood sugar, causing that taste. There are, of course, quite a few more possible reasons that can give you a sweet aftertaste, but the majority of them don’t relate to workouts. It could simply be the aftertaste … Read more

Fizzing Sound In Throat When Lying Down

Fizzing Sound In Throat When Lying Down

If you hear a fizzy noise that doesn’t occur often, it’s quite harmless and doesn’t necessarily mean something’s wrong with you. But if it’s persistent, you might be looking at an underlying medical condition. GERD is usually the most common culprit as it involves acid bubbles leaking up your esophagus into your throat. GERD can … Read more

8 Triggers For Vomiting Through Nose While Sleeping

Vomiting Through Your Nose While Sleeping?

You’d be surprised to find out that vomiting through your nose while sleeping is pretty common. It can be associated with stomach acid reflux, sleep apnea, pregnancy-related changes, and it can also occur in newborns and babies who bring up milk after breastfeeding. The squeezing action of the stomach muscles causes increased pressure in your … Read more

Tart Taste In Mouth – Acid Reflux & Other Causes

Tart Taste In Mouth - Acid Reflux & Other Causes

The tart taste in your mouth can only be explained as sour, acidic, or even a combination of both tastes can be due to various reasons. While acid reflux or GERD is a common problem for this symptom, other issues include poor oral hygiene, aging, dehydration, smoking, illness, and medications. In addition, the tart taste … Read more

Cabbage Juice For Acid Reflux – Is It The Cure?

Cabbage Juice For Acid Reflux

Acid reflux, which refers to your stomach acids moving up your esophagus, can be a very uncomfortable and painful experience giving way to multiple possible symptoms. You could easily categorize and identify your gastric condition through very common symptoms like heartburn or by less common symptoms like bloating and nauseating feelings.  Various studies have been … Read more

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