Is It Safe To Drink Three Protein Shakes In One Day?

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The short answer is yes, it is safe to drink 3 protein shakes in a day, but the real question is: Why would you drink 3 protein shakes in one day? If you have a protein-heavy diet and you’re not undertaking much exercise, you probably don’t need to add lots of shakes into your daily routine, but if you do a heavy workout in the morning and drink a shake before starting your day for work, then have another mid-afternoon with your regular intake of fruits and vegetables then it should be fine.

Just keep in mind that protein shakes should not be replacing the whole foods in your diet because our body needs to get a balanced and diverse array of micronutrients to function as a whole.

Any lack or excess should be moderated.

6 benefits of whey protein shakes

Whey is a liquid that separates from milk during cheese production. The protein part of whey is called whey protein, it is a complete, high-quality protein that contains all of the essential amino acids, and it is very easy to digest, absorbed from your gut quickly compared with other types of protein.

1. Improves muscle growth

A man is drinking a protein shake after his workout to improve his muscle recovery and growth

As we age, muscle mass naturally declines, leading to fat gain and raising the risk of many chronic diseases.

This can be slowed, prevented, or reversed with a combination of strength training and an adequate diet.

Whey is rich in a branched-chain amino acid called leucine (growth-promoting of the amino acids), which is why is effective for the prevention of age-related muscle loss, as well as for improved strength.

2. May help with type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is a chronic disease characterized by high blood sugar and impaired insulin function.

Whey protein is effective at moderating blood sugar, increasing both insulin levels and the sensitivity to its effects.

3. May help reduce inflammation

A significant review study found that high doses of whey protein supplements significantly reduced C-reactive protein (a key marker of inflammation in the body), which indicates that it can help reduce inflammation.

4. May enhance body’s antioxidant defenses

One of the most important antioxidants in humans is glutathione. Unlike other antioxidants that you get from your diet, glutathione is produced by your body.

Glutathione production depends on the supply of several amino acids, which are sometimes limited, and therefore high cysteine foods, such as whey protein, may boost the body’s natural antioxidant defenses.

5. Can help you lose weight

Eating plenty of protein is a very effective way to lose weight, and some studies show that whey protein may have even greater effects than other types of protein.

Also, whey protein is particularly effective, and it may have a big effect on fat burning and satiety than other protein types.

6. Easier to prepare

It’s not always easy to find time to sit down and prepare an entire meal for yourself, not to mention if you are a parent who cooks for your family.

These are the perfect instances when a protein shake can help you maintain your daily protein intake.

Dropping a scoop or two of powder into a bottle is much easier than prepping a meal, and it gives you a way to meet your exact protein targets without having to worry about weighing every single thing in your meal.

4 possible side effects of having too many protein shakes

A young man is saying no to drinking his protein shake, because of the possible side effects

It is not hard to understand how some people might increase the number of protein shakes they consume every day.

The convenience it provides is very much welcomed, especially for those with a busy schedule.

According to registered dietitian Maxine Smith, RD, LD: “Your body can only use 20 to 40 grams of protein at a time,” Smith says. “Even if you’re trying to bulk up, taking amounts higher than this isn’t helpful. Most people don’t need whey protein to meet their protein requirements if they’re eating a healthy diet.”

1. Extra calories

Whey protein may be low fat and low carb, but it still has calories. It is still better to get your protein from whole foods rather than a supplement, bar, or shake. If you choose to use a supplement, look for one that lists whey protein as the only ingredient.

2. Possible digestive problems

Overeating whey protein can cause digestive issues such as nausea, flatulence, diarrhea, pain, and cramping. Some people are also allergic to whey.

Most people nowadays make a protein shake with almond milk (or other plant-based milk), and that can add to digestive problems as well.

3. Possible kidney damage

It’s a huge burden for your body, especially for the kidneys, to deal with an excessive amount of proteins.

If you are suffering from kidney disease, you shouldn’t consume protein excessively, but even in a healthy body, the continuous protein overload could result in significant problems.

4. Possible bone damage

Excessive protein intake causes a withdrawal of calcium in the bones, leading to a weakening of your bones.

Therefore, when you follow a diet rich in protein, you must pay attention to an increased calcium intake.


What is the best protein shake?

Depending on what you want to achieve by drinking your protein shake, there are many options out there, according to some registered dietitians, for the best muscle-building, low-calorie, sugar-free, and the list goes on.

Can I drink protein shakes even if I don’t work out?

Yes, you can. Protein is one of the building blocks of your cells, and it’s needed for your body to function. Unfortunately, most mass-produced protein shakes are high in fat, sugar, and calories.

Making your own helps ensure that you load up on nutrients without also packing on the pounds.

Can I take whey protein while I am pregnant?

Yes, women who are pregnant can have whey protein in their daily diet, but everyone is different, so it’s best to consult with your doctor in regards to your appropriate intake amount.

There are also 6 alternative natural sources of protein that are great for women to take during pregnancy.


Before changing anything in your diet, it is important to consult your local healthcare provider to ensure that it will not compromise your current health, especially if you do have any specific condition or just got out of any medication or surgery.

Our body is a complicated system that needs balance, moderation, and maintenance. Any sudden change, may it be with your workout routine or your daily consumption of food, could be a shock to your body and would have an effect.

Different bodies react differently, and the best way to know yours is to always ask the professionals who know and would be able to make you better understand.

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Eunice Alexis Rae Barbosa
I write about the topics that matter most to me, mental and physical health. Learning along the way and constantly seeking new facets to improve and be better as a mom and as a woman, healing and reinventing myself as much as I see fit. You'll find me burrowed in books or journaling my heart out in between the storms and stillness of this beautiful thing called life.

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