Having trouble falling and staying asleep during pregnancy is often due to hormonal changes. Other pregnancy symptoms, such as frequent bathroom breaks, late-night cravings and hunger, nausea and vomiting, and heartburn, may contribute to insomnia. Suffering from it during early pregnancy doesn’t indicate your baby’s biological sex. Some old myths, like cravings for salty and savory food, often feeling cold on your toes, having no mood swings, etc., are some fun guesses but don’t guarantee you’re having a baby boy.
Perhaps, the most thrilling part of pregnancy is knowing your baby’s sex.
It’s really exciting to know what color to paint the nursery room, the kind of baby clothes to buy, and what baby names to include in your list.
Most experienced pregnant women claim that being pregnant with a girl is very different from having a boy.
Some old wives’ tales and myths you may encounter online will give you a list of signs and symptoms to watch out for if you want to know your baby’s sex. Unfortunately, insomnia isn’t on the list.
Why does insomnia affect pregnant women?
Insomnia is a common sleep disorder that affects many women during pregnancy, particularly in the first and third trimesters. It happens when you experience difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or waking up too early and cannot fall back asleep.
There are several reasons why insomnia may occur during pregnancy which include the following:
1. Hormonal changes.
During early pregnancy, the body undergoes significant hormonal changes, including increased progesterone.
Increased progesterone levels cause drowsiness in the morning, giving you the desire to sleep in the daytime. As a result, it will be hard for you to fall asleep at night.
Your estrogen levels also increase rapidly during pregnancy, which may disrupt your body’s natural sleep-wake cycle. An increase in estrogen levels also causes an increase in your body’s temperature, causing hot flashes or night sweats, which can make it difficult for you to fall asleep and stay asleep.
2. Physical discomfort.
As the uterus grows and the body prepares for pregnancy, you may experience physical discomfort, making it difficult to get comfortable in bed.
You may experience morning sickness at night, random back pain, leg cramps or restless leg syndrome (RLS), congestion and heartburn, and sore and tingling sensation in your breasts.
3. Anxiety and stress.
Pregnancy can be exciting but stressful at the same time. Some women may experience anxiety or worry that keeps them up at night. Changes in your hormones may significantly contribute to this.
4. Increased need to urinate.
During early pregnancy, the body produces more blood and other fluids, causing you to wake up frequently to urinate at night.
5. Late-night cravings.
Late-night cravings during pregnancy can disrupt your sleeping pattern. Eating late at night can stimulate your digestive system and cause discomfort, making falling or staying asleep difficult.
Effects of insomnia during pregnancy
Sleep is crucial during pregnancy, but it can be hard to achieve it sufficiently. You must seek help to your doctor when you experience persistent sleep deprivation in your pregnancy to avoid complications.
Below are the following possible effects of sleep deprivation during pregnancy:
1. Pregnancy complications.
Insomnia during pregnancy may put you at risk of preterm labor, gestational diabetes, and postpartum depression.
2. Fatigue.
Sleep deprivation due to insomnia can cause maternal fatigue, making it difficult to perform daily tasks. Loss of energy may also increase your risk of accidents or injuries.
3. Interrupt fetal growth.
Prolonged periods of sleep deprivation can cause a decrease in growth hormone secretion, which may lead to decreased fetal growth.
4. Impair your cognitive function.
Chronic insomnia can result in difficulty concentrating, memory impairment, and loss of ability to be attentive.
5. Emotional changes.
Insomnia can contribute to mood swings, anxiety, depression, and irritability.
6. Decreased milk production.
Insomnia may reduce the production of prolactin, a hormone responsible for milk production. It won’t be easy to produce enough milk to breastfeed your baby after you give birth.
5 ways to sleep better during pregnancy
Insomnia during early pregnancy isn’t a good indication of your baby’s biological sex.
Due to various factors like hormonal changes and other pregnancy symptoms, you will have trouble sleeping during your early pregnancy and in your third trimester.
Frequent sleep deprivation causes harm to both you and your baby.
Below are ways to help you sleep better and cope with insomnia during your pregnancy:
1. Set your room into the mood.
You have to make your bedroom feel and look comfy.
Bring the curtains down to keep your room dark but ensure good air ventilation, especially when AC is not running.
Make your bed as inviting as possible by switching to 100% cotton linen and using silk pillowcases to keep your head cool as you sleep.
Use a nightlight or dim light in your bathroom. A bright light could jar your eyes and may wash away your sleep when you have to pee at night.
2. Build bedtime habits.
Set a bed and wake time in your alarm clock. Practice waking and sleeping at the same time each day.
Turn off any digital screens at least 30 minutes before bedtime.
You may sleep on your usual back or stomach position in your early pregnancy, but sleeping on your left side is best when the bump gets bigger.
Avoid drinking fluids before bedtime, and eat your dinner early to avoid heartburn. If you get hungry at night, eat a snack high in protein to keep blood sugar levels steady.
Avoid drinking coffee late in the afternoon or throughout the day. Having a warm glass of milk may also be helpful.
A massage and a warm bath before bed will reduce stress and fatigue and promote better sleep.
If your breasts are sore and tender, wear a comfortable sleep bra.
3. Exercise.
Stay active during the day. Get at least 30 minutes of pregnancy-friendly exercises 4-6 hours before bedtime.
Remember to talk with your doctor before starting an exercise regimen during pregnancy.
4. Take time to relax.
Practice yoga, meditation, relaxation techniques, and exercises.
Talk to your partner or list your worries to help clear your mind and lift that heavy feeling due to overwhelming thoughts.
Breathing exercises may also help.
If you cannot sleep after 30 minutes in bed, distract yourself from other things like staring at the clock or counting numbers.
5. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT).
Sleeping pills and other supplements may not be a good option for your insomnia, especially if you’re pregnant.
Your doctor may recommend you to therapy to treat your sleep deprivation and help you sleep better.
What are the early signs of pregnancy?
Women experience different signs and symptoms during early pregnancy.
You may experience common early pregnancy symptoms now but get your period a few days later.
Waiting three to four weeks after your last period before taking pregnancy test may show you a reliable result. The human chorionic hormone (HCG), which detects pregnancy, takes time to build up in your system.
You may also ask your doctor to run a blood test to measure the HCG levels in your blood.
Below are some common signs and symptoms you may experience during your early pregnancy:
1. Missed period.
It can also signify stress, excessive exercise, dieting, hormone imbalances, and other factors that might cause irregular periods.
2. Tender, aching, and swollen breasts.
Increasing progesterone during pregnancy makes your breasts feel sore and tender.
It also causes your nipples to darken in color and enlarge.
3. Morning sickness.
It can happen day or night as early as two weeks of pregnancy. You may feel nausea with or without vomiting.
4. Increased urination.
During pregnancy, there is an increase in blood supply in your body.
Thus, your kidneys have to clean more often and remove more waste, resulting in frequent urination.
5. Fatigue.
High progesterone levels during early pregnancy will make you sleepy and tired day or night.
Other signs and symptoms of pregnancy
You might also experience the following symptoms during your first trimester:
1. Cramping and mild spotting.
About 10 to 14 days (week 4) after conception or around the time you expect to have your period, you may notice light bleeding.
It happens when the fertilized egg implants in your uterus.
2. Headaches, dizziness, and high blood pressure.
These symptoms may sometimes indicate an underlying problem, as elevated or normal blood pressure would usually drop in early pregnancy.
3. Mood swings.
Increasing progesterone and estrogen levels may make you more moody, emotional, or reactive than usual.
4. Weight gain.
Due to increased food cravings and the need for more calorie intake, you’re most likely to gain about 2 to 4 pounds during the first three months and about 1 pound a week until you give birth.
5. Bloating and constipation.
Hormonal changes can slow down your digestion resulting in constipation.
6. Sensitivity to smell and food.
During early pregnancy, you may be sensitive to some smell triggering nausea and vomiting, and distaste for certain foods.
7. Nasal congestion.
Hormonal changes and increased blood supply may cause mucous membranes in your nose to swell, dry out, and bleed easily, resulting in a stuffy or runny nose.
It’s worth looking into natural remedies instead of taking medicine if you think you’re pregnant.
Why should you take an early pregnancy test?
Knowing you’re pregnant much earlier than expected will help you prepare for a healthy pregnancy and baby.
It includes doing the following:
- Schedule prenatal check-ups
- Change diet and lifestyle
- Take pregnancy multivitamins and minerals such as iron and folic acid, which reduce your baby’s risk of developing a neural tube defect.
3 things you should know about
1. Pregnancy doesn’t happen immediately after sex.
It’s not always that you’ll get pregnant when you have sex.
That is, even if you and your partner are healthy, have no infertility problems, and do not use contraceptive drugs.
It’s actually about timing, the health of your reproductive tract, and the sperm quality of your man.
It can take roughly 30 seconds after ejaculation when a sperm swims through a woman’s uterus and enters the fallopian tube to fertilize with the egg (conception).
The fertilized egg then enters the fallopian tube to implant in the uterus. By then, you’re considered pregnant.
2. Know your cycle or fertile window to guarantee a pregnancy.
You’re much more likely to conceive when you’re approaching your period.
It’s when a mature egg is released from your ovary (ovulation), and you have sex.
Ovulation happens around day 14 in your 28-day cycle (numbers may vary).
3. An egg can get fertilized within 14-24 hours after ovulation.
After the matured egg is released from your ovaries, it journeys down into your fallopian tube to meet a sperm.
When no sperm shows up after 14-24 hours, the egg dissolves, and the uterine lining sheds away, along with blood and mucus from your vagina and cervix- you now have your period.
However, sperm can live up to 5 days in your body, so fertilization can still occur even if you had sex much later.
How can you tell if you’re having a baby boy?
Below are things that may tell you are having a baby boy based on some telltales and traditions:
- Cravings for salty and savory food
- Carrying your bump low
- Healthier skin, you’re hair will grow thick and lustrous
- No mood swings
- Fetal heart rate fewer than 140 bpm
- The pigmented line (linea nigra) on your belly runs past your belly button and up toward the ribs
- Nipples become darker in color
- Feel your feet are often cold
- If the ring of the ring gender prediction test moves in back and forth like a pendulum
- The baby has a sloping forehead and squared jaw, shown in ultrasound pictures
- The date on Lunar Calendar suggests you will have a boy when trying to predict using your lunar age and the month you got pregnant.
- If two odd or even numbers show up in the calendar when using the Mayan gender prediction method
Remember, these claims don’t have scientific evidence.
But, these predictions may have been effective in many pregnant women. Your best option to know your baby’s sex is to wait until at least 18-20 weeks when their reproductive organs become visible.
Medical tests, you can get to know your baby’s sex in as early as 9 weeks
1. Blood test.
Pregnant women can take free cell DNA blood tests nine weeks into pregnancy. Drawing a blood sample will contain your baby’s blood sample and may detect its sex.
2. Amniocentesis.
Your doctor may also suggest it to detect chromosomal issues. You can get this test for about 15 weeks of your pregnancy.
This procedure is invasive and only necessary for detecting congenital conditions. It will take out a small amount of amniotic fluid to test for genetic abnormalities, fetal infection, and the baby’s sex.
3. Chorionic villus sampling (CVS).
This procedure is also invasive and becomes available at week ten of pregnancy. It detects early signs of Down syndrome and other chromosome-related conditions.
You may be able to see your baby’s genitalia within 18-20 weeks of pregnancy. Your doctor may refer you to an ultrasound scan and examine your baby’s growth and sex.
How to get pregnant with a boy?
There are no guaranteed and scientifically proven ways to get pregnant with a boy.
Internet search results may tell you a few things about what has worked with other women who wanted to welcome a little guy into their family.
Below are some of these:
1. Take in more calories while keeping healthy eating habits.
Eating whole foods, fruits, vegetables, and low-sugar snacks to meet your nutrient needs during pregnancy. In some studies, women conceiving a boy ate more potassium-rich food such as bananas and white beans.
They also consumed more breakfast cereals than those who had female babies.
2. Learn the Shettles method.
It refers to a plan that Shettles devised by considering the timing of intercourse, positions, and the pH of the vaginal environment to have a higher chance of conceiving a boy.
In this case, you should have sex close to ovulation and do sex positions that allow deep penetration.
It would be best to create the right environment by following a healthy diet, like eating many alkaline fruits and vegetables.
Having orgasms first before intercourse may help in regulating your vagina’s pH.
3. Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART).
In certain circumstances, your doctor may recommend you for sex selection only for medical needs.
It is possible to grow fertilized egg into an embryo in a lab to select one with your desired sex to implant in your uterus. It’s possible through in-vitro fertilization techniques, preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), or preimplantation genetic selection (PGS) processes.
While gender selection increases the odds of conceiving your dream little guy, it is unavailable in many countries.
It can be costly and stressful both mentally and physically. This process is illegal in most countries, which lawmakers believe may affect future population growth.
The sex or gender of an unborn baby doesn’t always matter.
Parents would always wish for a healthy pregnancy and baby. It is more like a bonus if they desire a little girl or boy and get what they want.
Because women feel different symptoms during pregnancy, such as insomnia, mood swing, morning sickness, etc., it’s hard to tell if these are signs of being pregnant with a boy or a girl.
Even with the 50% chance of old myths and telltales coming true, it’s still not a reliable way to predict your baby’s sex.
But hey! It spices up your pregnancy journey. Just think of all the fun while guessing.
Ultrasound at 20 weeks is still your best option.
- https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/restless-legs-syndrome/symptoms-causes/syc-20377168#:~:text=Restless%20legs%20syndrome%20(RLS)%20is,eases%20the%20unpleasant%20feeling%20temporarily.
- https://www.healthline.com/health/cognitive-behavioral-therapy
- https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/drugs/18559-human-chorionic-gonadotropin-hcg-injection
- https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/amniocentesis/about/pac-20392914
- https://www.healthline.com/health/pregnancy/shettles-method#:~:text=How%20to%20try%20for%20a%20boy%20with%20the%20Shettles%20method
- https://www.healthline.com/health/in-vitro-fertilization-ivf