Best Way To Lay When You Have Subchorionic Hemorrhage (Causes & 4 Tips To Resolve Subchorionic Hemorrhage)

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Laying on your left side is the best way to lie down when suffering from subchorionic hemorrhage. It helps increase oxygen and promotes blood flow. You can, however, also lay on your right side, as long as you don’t lay on your back. Subchorionic hemorrhage can also be either small or big. Smaller hematomas detected in the first trimester of your pregnancy are usually not severe. However, if they are larger or occur during your second or third trimester, it is essential to always follow your physician’s advice, as larger hematomas are dangerous and may cause many complications for you and your baby and may lead to spontaneous abortion.

If you’re pregnant and you’ve had a subchorionic hemorrhage (also known as a subchorionic hematoma or subchorionic bleeding), the best way to lay is on your left side.

Although it might seem counterintuitive initially, this is because the blood in your uterus has more room to flow if you’re lying on your left side.

You can also lay on your right side—but never on your back.

What helps resolve subchorionic hemorrhage?

Subchorionic Hemorrhage can either be small or large. If you’ve been diagnosed with a small subchorionic hemorrhage, your doctor has probably prescribed the proper medication for you.

A woman is sleeping on her left side to help with her subchorionic bleeding

To help alleviate the effects of subchorionic bleeding, you can try the following methods:

  1. Bed rest. Staying in bed is one of the best ways to help you resolve subchorionic bleeding.
  2. Stop exercising for now. Any kind of stress may lead to further bleeding, so it is essential to stop unnecessary movements such as exercise.
  3. Lay off the sex for now. As stated above, any unnecessary movement may increase bleeding, so no sex for now!
  4. Avoid standing or walking around for long periods. Rest is crucial if you want to resolve subchorionic bleeding.

Large subchorionic hematoma may cause more problems.

If more than 30% of your placenta becomes dislodged, it may cause the subchorionic hematoma to become even larger. This may cause a lot more problems, such as your amniotic sac rupturing prematurely, which may lead to miscarriage.

Remember to always follow your doctor’s advice to avoid any of this from happening.

Causes and risk of miscarriage when you have a subchorionic hemorrhage

Subchorionic hematoma (also known as a subchorionic hemorrhage) is a condition where there is an abnormal blood clot in the tissue surrounding the baby’s growing placenta.

If this clot becomes larger than normal, it could cause problems for the fetus or develop into a miscarriage.

Subchorionic hematoma can be caused by many factors, including:

  • Fetal abnormalities
  • Abnormal blood clotting in the mother’s uterus
  • Damage to your placenta from an infection or other illness
  • Hormonal changes in pregnancy

Other causes include genetic abnormalities, infections, uterine fibroids, uterine polyps, and cervical stenosis (a condition in which the cervix is too narrow).

Can you have a healthy pregnancy when you have a subchorionic hemorrhage?

Subchorionic hemorrhage is a condition that occurs in the amniotic sac that surrounds the baby during pregnancy. It usually occurs in women who are more than 35 years old.

A pregnant woman is sitting down on the floor looking outside on a sunny morning

Subchorionic hemorrhage can be caused by several factors, including certain infections and other medical conditions.

In cases where subchorionic hemorrhage is mild, it typically does not cause any symptoms for the mother or her baby.

However, in some cases, this condition can cause bleeding or infection within the placenta or fetus, leading to a miscarriage or premature birth (preterm delivery).

While many women experience milder forms of subchorionic hemorrhage during their pregnancies, others may experience more severe symptoms such as fever and chills.

In these situations, it is essential to seek treatment immediately so that your health and your baby remain stable during pregnancy.

How long does subchorionic bleeding last?

Subchorionic bleeding can last anywhere from 2 to 4 weeks.

The length of time will vary based on several factors, including the size of your baby and the speed with which you get medical care.

In most cases, subchorionic bleeding occurs during the first trimester (the first three months) of pregnancy.

This type of bleeding usually lasts for about one week before it stops entirely.

Size of subchorionic hematoma

A subchorionic hematoma is a blood clot that forms in the space between the placenta and the uterine wall.

This can occur in both full-term and preterm pregnancies, and it’s most common during pregnancy around week 20.

A small subchorionic hematoma is usually a benign condition that doesn’t need to be treated. However, if your doctor detects a large subchorionic hematoma on an ultrasound, they should monitor you for signs of premature labor.

If this occurs, your doctor may recommend inducing labor to deliver your baby before any severe damage is done to your uterus.

If you have a large subchorionic hematoma, the clot can rupture into your bloodstream and cause severe complications like preterm labor or even fetal death.


Does Pelvic Rest Help Subchorionic Hemorrhage?

Yes. Pelvic rest has been shown to help subchorionic hemorrhage in some patients.

The practice of pelvic rest is thought to help minimize blood loss and improve the condition of the uterus. However, certain factors must be considered when doing pelvic rest, including the severity of your subchorionic hemorrhage and how long you plan on doing pelvic rest for.

If you have very heavy bleeding or an infection that could cause further damage to your uterus, you may want to consider other options first.


It is important to remember that laying on your left side can increase blood flow to the uterus and help reduce subchorionic hemorrhage.

If you experience subchorionic hemorrhage, you should always consult with a doctor before making any changes in your diet or exercise routine.

This condition may cause more problems for you and your baby, so it is important to note that a doctor’s advice will always be of utmost importance.

Also, remember to decrease any strenuous activities such as exercising, lifting heavy objects, sex, or standing for long periods to reduce bleeding and help resolve subchorionic hemorrhage.

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Nudrat Naheed
Hi, I am Nudrat, The Heart And Brain author, IR student, and painter. Writing about health fascinates me because it helps me to explore a new healthy routine and share it with others. I write primarily about general health, pregnancy, postpartum, and allergies here. If you don't find me writing, I'm busy painting or reading on global politics.

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